Mayor Cooney’s presentation to City Council on June 26, 2023 about the Gemini Center and discussing the analysis of what needs to be done, the costs for the repairs and replacements, and other matters relevant to City Council deciding to place a levy, which is Issue 55, on the ballot can be viewed here.
On January 14, 2022, May 4, 2022, and September 2, 2022 the City provided updates on the reconstruction of the natatorium at the Gemini Center. To view the January 14, 2022 update click here, for the May 4, 2022 update click here and for the September 2, 2022 update click here. After the analysis and proposals described in the September 2nd update were completed, the following was done and is now taking place:
On January 14, 2022, May 4, 2022, and September 2, 2022 the City provided updates on the reconstruction of the natatorium at the Gemini Center. To view the January 14, 2022 update click here, for the May 4, 2022 update click here and for the September 2, 2022 update click here. After the analysis and proposals described in the September 2nd update were completed, the following was done and is now taking place:
- The City stopped all investigations in the fall of 2022 in order to present an update to City Council and the community on the findings of the investigations at the natatorium.
- Due to the extent of the work and the preliminary cost estimates associated with work at the natatorium, the City wanted input and direction from the community on how it wanted to proceed with this project.
- On October 10, 2022 a PowerPoint presentation outlining the issues at the natatorium was presented to City Council. A copy of the PowerPoint can be viewed here and the audio can be heard here.
- In November of 2022, a letter was sent to all of the households in the City updating them on the issues at the natatorium and informing people that a survey would be available for them to provide their input on this matter. A copy of that letter can be viewed here.
- The survey closed on December 23, 2023 with 1,616 responses and the results, with the questions, can be seen here. Also, in response to comments to the survey, the City prepared a “Frequently Asked Questions” sheet addressing some of the questions/suggestions raised by respondents, which can be viewed here.
- The results show 69% either “Strongly agree” or “Agree” that the pools should be reconstructed and 63.9% would support some amount of a real estate property tax increase to pay for the reconstruction.
- Based on the community’s input, the Administration has recommended to City Council that the City finalize its investigation and prepare a design for the reconstruction of the pools.
- An analysis of the natatorium building (i.e. roof, windows, walls, etc.) and the HVAC needs has been completed and designs and specifications for this part of the project have been prepared. Due to the condition of the pools, the aquatic portion of the project has not been finalized.
- Quotes from geotechnical testing firms for samples and analysis of concrete from the pool walls have been requested to help determine the extent of the reconstruction.
- The City hired Brandstetter and Carroll, Inc., a firm with extensive aquatics experience, to help with the investigation, analysis and possible design of the pools. City Council is considering authorization of their proposed fees to assist with the aquatic work which is anticipated to be approved in early March, 2023.
- The aquatic engineers and the City’s building consultant will work together to determine a final scope of work, timing and costs for the entire project, which will be shared with City Council and the community in the next couple of months.
- Based on the preliminary estimates for the work at the natatorium, the City does not have the money to pay for the project without additional support from the community, which will likely be in the form of a levy. How much that will be and what it might cost residents have NOT been determined.
- If City Council decides to place a levy on the ballot it would likely be in November of 2023 and that determination must be made by early August of this year.